Types of Appointments
- For medical emergencies, such as sudden difficulty in breathing, chest, or abdominal pain, please call 999.
- If you need urgent NHS mental health support, call the Mental Health Central Access Point on 0800 800 3302. This is a free helpline operating 24/7 for people of all ages in Leicestershire.
- For non-urgent free medical advice call NHS 111 which operates 24/7 or visit 111 online
- For coughs, colds, minor illness, and medication queries please contact your local pharmacist for advice. If your own local pharmacist is unable to manage your medication query you can book an appointment with our practice-based pharmacists via reception. (
- For minor injuries such as broken bones and sprains, please visit A&E at The Leicester Royal Infirmary, LE1 5WW
- For joint or muscle pains you can book to talk to our First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) via reception. FCPs have expertise in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions.
- For non-medical support, such as day centres, charities, or community groups to reduce loneliness, you can book a conversation with our Social Prescriber via reception.
- For a self-referral for counselling please contact VitaMinds on 0330 094 5595. Or complete their contact form online:
Pharmacy First Scheme
Most pharmacies are now offering the NHS Pharmacy First Service and can treat some common conditions. The table below shows the 7 conditions pharmacists can manage across various age ranges.
To find a pharmacy that offers this service, please visit:
Condition | Age range and criteria |
Ear infection | 1 to 17 years |
Impetigo | 1 year and over |
Infected insect bites | 1 year and over |
Shingles | 18 years and over |
Sinusitis | 12 years and over |
Sore throat | 5 years and over |
Uncomplicated UTI (urinary tract infections) | Women 16-64 years |
Or for more information please visit:
Booking a GP or minor illness appointment at the Surgery
If you do not feel that any of the above services are appropriate and your medical problem is more complex, please arrange to speak with one of our GP’s or Advanced Practitioner’s.
To schedule a face-to-face or telephone appointment, including same-day appointments, you can either,
- Call us at 0116 2413801 between 8am and 6:30pm. Our new telephone system accommodates up to 15 callers in the queue, so if the queue is full, you will hear an engaged tone. We do apologise for any inconvenience and ask you to please try again. Once all same-day appointments are booked, our welcome message will notify you of this if you are in the queue. Please stay on the line to hear our signposting options.
- Book online using your SystmOnline account: For more information, please visit the online services section of our website.
- In person by visiting the practice between 8am and 6.30pm.
- Book online using NHS App – subject to availability and timings
Please note that while all appointments are limited, we offer more telephone appointments than face-to-face ones. Initially therefore, you may be offered a telephone appointment based on availability. If the clinician needs to examine you further, they will arrange a follow-up face-to-face appointment.
For telephone appointments, please stay by your phone as the clinician will try to call you twice. If you miss your appointment, you will need to book another appointment by calling at 8am the following day.
Chaperone Policy
At Downing Drive Surgery, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our patients.
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present during any consultation, examination, or procedure. Our clinicians will advise you if a chaperone is necessary during any intimate examination to safeguard both you and the clinician.
Our staff members are appropriately trained to act as chaperones and are knowledgeable about the examinations or procedures being performed. For this reason, family and friends cannot act as chaperones.
If you have any questions or wish to see the chaperone policy, please speak to a member of our staff.

Cancelling your appointment
If you no longer need your appointment, please contact the practice on 0116 2413801 to let us know as this will allow us to offer your slot to another patient.
This is very important as missed appointments waste valuable surgery time.
You can also cancel your appointment online by:
- submitting a message through AccuRx
- accessing your SystmOnline account
- logging in to your NHS App
Accurx Online Patient Triage
What is Accurx Online Patient Triage?
Accurx Online Patient Triage is an online consultation tool that allows you to submit any administrative request to Downing Drive Surgery. This feature is open 24/7 but should not be used for urgent queries or booking appointments.
What can I use it for?
- Requesting a fit (sick) note
- Online access queries and password resets
- Requests to access your medical records
- Cancelling an appointment
- Test results
- Home Blood Pressure Readings
How do I access it?
You can access Accurx Online Patient Triage via a link on the banner at the top of our practice website home page or by clicking here.
Enhanced Access
In collaboration with our Primary Care Network, we now offer appointments outside of our regular hours. This includes weekday evenings, Monday to Friday, until 8 PM, and Saturdays from 9 AM to 5 PM. Please note that these appointments are provided by the PCN, so the clinician you see may not be from Downing Drive Surgery but from another GP practice within our network. Appointments will be either via telephone or held face-to-face at Johnson Medical Practice, 22 Maidenwell Avenue, Hamilton, LE5 1BL.
Home Visits
If you are too unwell to come to the surgery, the Doctor will make a home visit only if it is clinically determined that you are unable to attend the surgery.
It would help to plan the Doctor’s visits by phoning the practice before 10.30am. Failure to do so may lead to delays.