Sick (fit) notes

Self-Certification (7 Days or Less)

If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence of your illness. Instead, they can ask you to confirm your illness through self-certification. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work.

Requesting a Sick Note for the first time

Once you have completed a self-certificate note and this is your first time requesting a sick note for your current period of illness, you will need an appointment with a GP. This can often be a telephone appointment. Please note that we require 48 hours to process a sick note request.

Follow-up Sick Notes

If you need a follow-up sick note, please call the reception team at 0116 2413801. They will either send you an Accurx form to complete with the required details or, if you are unable to complete the form, take the details over the phone and forward them to the same GP to re-issue your sick note. Please note that follow-up sick notes will be issued from the day after the last sick note expires. Sick notes will not be backdated to overlap with any dates on current or previous sick notes.

Requesting a Sick Note online

To request your sick note online, please submit the request via Accurx by using the admin query option on ACCURX.